As a blogger I often receive offers for different investing services and tools for review. I was recently offered to review Dave Van Knapp’s book “ The Top 40 Dividend Stocks for 2009” by the books creator. The book is updated every year with the most current information on dividend investing and with the best dividend picks according to the writer as well. You could check my review of last years book as well. Relevant Articles:
Last year’s picks from Dave Van Knapp’s book outperformed the S&P 500 by 11%. The list did lose about 27% in 2008 however. There were 34 dividend increases and only 6 dividend cuts or freezes.
The book is easy to read and could appeal both to novice and experienced dividend investors. It is well organized and provides a pretty complete guide to long-term wealth and income accumulation from dividend stocks.
It starts with an overview of the recent market action, which included many dividend cuts in 2008 and 2009 in the financial sector. The author then provides several reasons why investors who seek superior long-term returns should invest in dividend growth stocks.
The characteristics of the best dividend stocks are also being summarized in the next pages. If you had questions on how to create and manage your income portfolio the book would certainly try to answer those concerns.
One thing that separates this book from other books on Dividend Investing is that the author provides a list of 40 stocks as attractively valued investment ideas. Dave Van Knapp describes the methodology he uses to select the best dividend stocks for his readers. Not only does the book provide a list of stocks, but also includes brief stock analyses on each and every company in the catalog.
In general I found the book interesting and informative. I enjoyed not only the whole investing process that the author describes for creating and managing a successful dividend portfolios but also his overview of special high yielding dividend structures such as Real Estate Investment Trusts, Canadian Income Trusts, Master Limited Partnerships and Business Development Companies. Overall I believe that it is a must own book for every serious dividend investor. It is easy to read, well organized and provides a wealth of information not only for the novice investor but also for the seasoned pro!
- The Top 40 Dividend Stocks for 2008
- High-Yield Canadian Royalty Trusts vs Dividend Growth Stocks
- Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
- What Dividend Growth Investing is all about?
This article was written by Dividend Growth Investor. If you enjoyed this article, please vote for it by clicking the Buzz Up! button below.
Procter & Gamble (PG) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Procter & Gamble (PG).
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